World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (2024)

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide should help you whether you’re a new player (noob, newb, or newbie) or returning veteran. Every expansion a host of new players join the world of Azeroth. The WoW fandom basically speaks its own language when playing the game. If you’re a new player, or if you’ve been gone from WoW for a while, maybe you need a reminder as to what common terms and phrases mean.

There are a ton of terms that Warcraft players use. If any WoW lingo is missed within this guide, please feel free to mention it in the comments below. Some terms may be more common in WoW Classic than in retail WoW as they’re basically two different games. Either way, it benefits you as players to understand them. You never know if a term you haven’t seen before may come up while in a raid group.

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Trade Chat

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (1)

Every player has hung out in a major city in the game. If you’re away from the keyboard (AFK) in a capital city (Stormwind, Orgrimmar, etc.), a sanctuary city (Dalaran, Shattrath, or Oribos), or Shrine of Seven Stars or Shrine of Two Moons you’ve seen Trade Chat. The purpose of Trade Chat is to connect players in the same faction who play on the same/connected servers.

Players are supposed to use Trade chat to trade items, but it’s not uncommon to see a lot of trolls in chat. A chat troll is someone who’s talking about general nonsense. It’s also common to see Guild recruitment in Trade. Many players only use Trade Chat if they really need to. Trade Chat is generally not the place to ask for help in the game. You run the risk of chat trolls giving you a hard time. Sometimes a kind player will whisper to you which means they will message you privately. If you need help in WoW, please feel free to examine Wowhead.

Join Spymaster Mathias Shaw and Captain Flynn Fairwind on their expedition across the Eastern Kingdoms. The phenomenal Christie Golden casts her spell in the new book World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms available on

WoW Phrases in Trade Chat

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (2)

First, in the World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide, we’re going to examine common terms in Trade Chat. Trade Chat is used in major cities. Every player in the same faction is connected to its Trade Chat. So as long as you’re in a major city then you can view Trade.

WTS – Want To Sell

WTB – Want To Buy

WTG – Want To Give

WTSF – Want To Sell Fast

WTT – Want To Trade

LFR – Looking For Raid

LFG – Looking For Group

LFM – Looking For More (looking for more people to join a group)

PUG – Pick Up Group

BOP – Bind On Pickup (this means an item is soul bound once you receive it)

BOE -Bind On Equip (the item can be traded or sold on AH, but if you equip the item it becomes soul bound)

AH – Auction House

Mats – Materials (this can refer to materials for professions)

BIS – Best In Slot

ilvl – Item Level

Xpac – Expansion

NPC – Non-player character (examples include quest givers and merchants)

Nerf – when developers change things in the game and make them less effective

AH flipping – buying low, but selling high on the Auction House

FP – Flight Path

One of WoW’s best strengths is its artwork. Pair the mesmerizing artwork with the exhilarating writing of Christie Golden and you have a masterpiece. Check out the World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde & Lord of the Clans: The illustrated novels available on

Trade Chat Continued

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (3)

GL – Guild Leader

GM – Game Master or Guild Master (It’s a common World of Warcraft terminology and lingo term but it depends on the context. If they’re talking about Blizzard Entertainment they’re referring to the Game Masters who oversee and do customer service for the game. If the player is talking about their guild then they’re referring to their Guild Master.)

PTR – Public Test Realm (The public test realm is available to all players. Blizzard uses the public test realm to test new content before they push it to Live.)

Live – World of Warcraft Active Servers (This is the “active or Live” game, which means it’s not on a beta server or public test realm. It’s the version of the game you’re playing.)

PvE – Player Vs. Environment

PvP – Player Vs. Player

Xmog– Transmog

WDYM – What Do You Mean?

Vanilla – refers to the original World of Warcraft from 16 years ago.

Classic – refers to the version of Vanilla WoW which is currently available to play.

WoW – World of Warcraft

FFXIV – this is an acronym for Final Fantasy 14 which is an MMO developed by Square Enix. It’s considered one of WoW’s biggest competitors and sometimes WoW players will talk about/compare the games.

MMO/MMORPG – Mass-multiplayer online role-playing game (that’s the type of game WoW and FFXIV are, and it means that a lot of people from all over the world can play the game together online)


World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (4)

BE/Belf – Blood Elf

Cow – Tauren

NE/Nelf – Night Elf

UD – Undead


DK – Death Knight

Boomkin – Druid

Paly – Paladin

Lock – Warlock

DH – Demon Hunter

Shamies – Shaman

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Expansion Abbreviations

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (5)

Now, we’re going to look at common World of Warcraft terminology and lingo guide for expansions.

Vanilla/Classic – The original version of WoW before expansions. Vanilla was released 16 years ago.

BC – The Burning Crusade which was the first expansion.

WotLk/WOTLK – Wrath of the Lich King was the second expansion.

CATA/Cata – Cataclysm was the third expansion.

MOP – Mists of Pandaria was the fourth expansion.

WOD – Warlords of Draenor was the fifth expansion.

LEG/Leg/Legion – Legion was the sixth expansion.

BFA/BfA – Battle for Azeroth was the seventh expansion.

Shadowlands – this refers to the Shadowlands the eighth and current expansion.

Dungeon And Raid Group Sayings

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (6)

DoT – Damage over Time

HoT – Healing over Time

Spec – This refers to the current talents for your class. An example is being an Unholy Death Knight with Unholy being the spec.

Res – Resurrect

AoE – Area of Effect (area of effect attacks include examples like the Blizzard attack for a Mage or the Volley attack for Hunters)

CD – Cooldown

OoM – Out of Mana (this phrase is more common in WoW Classic)

LoS – Line of Sight (in a dungeon or raid it means to get out of the enemies “line of sight”, but it can also mean you’re out of the Healers “line of sight” and they can’t heal you)

Int– Intellect buff

Mob – enemies in dungeons or raids

DPS– Damage Per Second

Sim – Simulation program (this common World of Warcraft terminology and lingo guide, is a program or website like which will run a scan on your character and tell you what gear and talents will give you the best stats like the best DPS)

Toon – Another name for your playable character

Wipe – This means the whole dungeon or raid group died

Lust/BL – refers to the spells bloodlust, heroism and ancient hysteria (these empower the party and give everyone more strength for a short period of time)

Lock Candy/Cookies – this refers to Warlock health stones which they provide to group members in a dungeon or raid.

We’ve descended into the Shadowlands, but the shadows were rising before we entered the rift. Check out the prequel novel Shadows Rising by Madeleine Roux on

Dungeon And Raid Group Common Terms Continued

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (7)AFK/AFC – away from keyboard/computer

Stack – this means to stand on top of each other (usually the tank) while we fight a boss

Soak – this means to “soak” damage (an example is having to stand in glowing pools to stop them from wiping the whole group)

MB – Mana Break (more common in WoW Classic)

CC – Crowd Control (you do this by using stuns and slows on targets)

QQ – Cry

Lock out – you’re saved to a dungeon/raid until the next Tuesday’s reset

Twink – refers to a low-level character with the best gear for their level

Aggro – the tank holds the mobs’ attention while their group members attack

Proc – this is when your spells and attacks do a burst of damage because you made critical hits

BRB – Be right back

BRT – be right there

OMW – on my way

Bio – restroom break

IRL – in real life

GG – good game

Pat – Patrol (some dungeons or raids have roaming mobs)

Huntard – a phrase to describe a bad hunter

Nuke – kill as quickly as you can

Kite -this is when you force a mob to follow you without taking damage

GCD – Global Cool Down (some of our attacks may take seconds or minutes to reload before we can use them again)

MT – Main Tank

OT – Off Tank (The second tank in a raid group. Both tanks share aggro in the encounter.)

RNG – Random Number Generator

XP – Experience

MT – Mis-type or mis-tell (it means a player typed a message in the wrong chat channel.)

The year is coming to a close. So be sure to check out the World of Warcraft 2021 Calendar available on

Abbreviations For Dungeons, Raids, And Major Cities

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (8)

This section will examine World of Warcraft Terminology for major cities, dungeons, and raids. These terms are important to know if you’re interested in joining a PUG (pick up group) or queue in LFR (looking for raid). Often times players won’t spell out what they mean to save time. If they’re typing the message in trade chat it’s helpful because they can get their point across faster.

Major Cities

SW – Stormwind

IF – Ironforge

Org – Orgrimmar

UC – Undercity

TB – Thunderbluff

Darn – Darnassus

Dal – Dalaran

Shat – Shattrath City

Exo – Exodar

SMC – Silvermoon City


VC – Deadmines

DM – Dire Maul

SM – Scarlet Monastery

BRD – Blackrock Depths

Strat – Stratholme

RFC – Ragefire Chasm

WC – Wailing Caverns

BC – Blackrock Caverns

Scholo – Scholomance

SFK – Shadowfang Keep

RFD – Razorfen Downs

RFK – Razorfen Kraul


World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (9)

Raiding is one of the most fun activities to do in WoW. Joining a raid team takes commitment, but once you’ve found your tribe it’s so worth it. A great time to join a raid team is at the beginning of a new expansion. The whole player base is starting the game on equal footing. Everyone has to reach the level cap and gear up their character. So if you’re interested in joining a raid team, be on the lookout for guilds that are recruiting in trade chat.

ICC – Icecrown Citadel

BoD – Battle of Dazar’alor

DS – Dragon Soul

MC – Molten Core

Uld – Ulduar

ToT – Throne of Thunder

BT – Black Temple

HoF – Heart of Fear

SoO – Siege of Orgrimmar

FL – Firelands

Do you want to learn more about World of Warcraft’s story? Then check out the Warcraft – World of Warcraft 5 book set by Christie Golden available on

Battle Grounds And Common Abbreviations Used

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (10)

Common World of Warcraft terminology and lingo terms used in battlegrounds. If you’re new to the game then don’t be afraid to try out battlegrounds. A battleground is where players face off in a faction conflict. So if you’re in the Alliance then you’ll be fighting the Horde and vice versa. A good team can achieve victory with good communication and knowledge of how to play their classes.

Battle Grounds

AB – Arathi Basin

WSG – Warsong Gulch

ToK – Temple of Kotmogu

DG – Deepwind Gorge

TBfG – Battle for Gilneas

AV – Alterac Valley

EotS – Eye of the Storm

IoC – Isle of Conquest

SotA – Strand of the Ancients

SM – Silvershard Mines

TP – Twin Peaks

Battle Grounds

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (11)

BG/BGs – Battlegrounds

CTF/CAP – Capture the Flag

PvP – Player vs. Player combat

Flagged – this means a player has become marked for PvP combat.

HK – Honorable Kill (this refers to a player-killing a member of the opposing faction.)

Killing Blow – The final killing blow on another player.

Kek – LOL (when a Horde players types “LOL” an Alliance player reads it as “Kek”)

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide

World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (12)

Hopefully, this World of Warcraft terminology and lingo guide was helpful. Every term in the game wasn’t included because there are so many. The goal is to list some of the most common terms and phrases. If you notice anything missing from this guide, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Don’t forget to share this helpful blog post on social media with the icons provided. Warcraftlover wouldn’t exist without you. Please feel free to learn more about how to support Warcraftlover.

If you’re new to WoW then check out these helpful articles: What’s the difference between WoW Classic and Retail WoW, the seven most-exciting starter zones in World of Warcraft, eleven must-have ground mounts in World of Warcraft, the best ways to gain reputation in WoW, and how to make gold in WoW Classic.

Thank you for hanging out at my Hearth.

Happy Hunting,


World of Warcraft Terminology And Lingo Guide (2024)


What programming language is used in World of Warcraft? ›

Scripting languages are programming languages that are used in a specific part of another larger application. So World of Warcraft (written in C++) uses Lua for its user interface (UI).

What does lib mean in WoW? ›

SM – Scarlet Monastery. :GY – Graveyard section only. :L/Lib – Library section only. :A/Arm – Armory section only. :C/Cath – Cathedral section only.

What is the acronym for World of Warcraft? ›

No, "wow" typically stands for "World of Warcraft." It's a popular online multiplayer game.

What does HC mean in World of Warcraft? ›

Heroic mode (often abbreviated to Heroic or simply HC) refers to a dungeon difficulty setting. This setting is accessed from the party or raid leader's portrait menu; currently the other other difficulty settings are normal mode (the default setting) and challenge mode.

Does WoW use CPU or GPU? ›

Recommended CPUs for World of Warcraft

WoW's performance depends a lot on your graphics card, but it is also quite CPU-intensive, particularly with settings such as viewing distance, or when you are in a major city or raid.

What script does WoW use? ›

Lua (from the Portuguese word for moon) is the scripting language used by World of Warcraft for Interface Customization. Only a subset of version 5.1 of the official Lua specification is implemented, and should suit most addon maker's needs.

What is WTF in WoW? ›

WTF, an acronym for Warcraft Text File, is a Blizzard file extension. The most notable of this type are config. wtf and realmlist. wtf. It is also the name of a subdirectory of the World of Warcraft directory which contains these types of files.

What does EZ mean WoW? ›

EZ means means the match was easy enemy team is noob. It's used to troll the other team after winning rounds of the game by telling them ez.

What does LFG mean in WoW? ›

It means “looking for group”, in Final Fantasy XIV you would typically use the party finder for this and won't find people randomly typing “LFG” in chat, similarly WoW also has a group finder which means it's very unlikely you'll find people even in major cities typing “LFG”.

What does SNR mean in WoW? ›

Signal-to-noise ratio of the Wow signal as transcribed from the original printout. Markers show observed values, and the line is a Gaussian fit to the peak profile.

What is a WoW slang? ›

an exclamation of admiration, amazement, etc. noun. 2. slang. a person or thing that is amazingly successful, attractive, etc.

What does ETA mean in WoW? ›

It stands for estimated time of arrival.

What does ATM mean in WoW? ›

Atm = At the moment. AV = Alterac Valley (battleground unlocked at (level 40?)).

What does mm mean in WoW? ›

Common Marksmanship Hunter Abbreviations
ASArcane Shot
RFRapid Fire
SSSteady Shot
17 more rows

What is JC in WoW? ›

Jewelcrafting - Skill - World of Warcraft.

Is World of Warcraft C++? ›

World of Warcraft is written in C/C++ with Lua used for scripting. The game utilizes OpenGL/AL for graphics and audio.

What program is WoW made in? ›

In this article, we will look at both the programming language in which World of Warcraft is written, as well as the frameworks, graphics engine, and other tools that the Blizzard Entertainment development team uses to create their top game. World of Warcraft is developed in the C++ programming language.

What language do they speak in World of Warcraft? ›

In World of Warcraft, most races have a unique language they speak that only they can understand. Each faction shares a common language of the dominant race (Orcish for Horde and Common for Alliance).

What language are WoW servers written in? ›

The game itself is written in C/C++. The UI and all scripting (scripting for game events, quests, etc) is Lua.

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