Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (2024)


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In this article, we consider the third-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK), produced from 2005 to 2010. Here you will find fuse box diagrams of Jeep Grand Cherokee 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, get information about the location of the fuse panels inside the car, and learn about the assignment of each fuse (fuse layout) and relay.

See otherJeep Grand Cherokee:

Jeep Grand Cherokee (ZJ; 1996-1998)…>>

Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ; 1999-2005)…>>

Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2; 2011–2021)…>>

Jeep Grand Cherokee (WL; 2021-2023)…>>

Fuse Layout Jeep Grand Cherokee 2005-2010

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (5)

Cigar lighter (power outlet) fuses are the fuses #4, #9, #14 in the Instrument panel fuse box, and fuses #2, #11 (2005-2007) or #4, #6 (2008-2010) in the Power Distribution Center.

Table of Contents

Fuse box location

Interior Fuse Box

It is located under the instrument panel just to the left of the steering column (behind the cover).Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (6)

Underhood Fuse Boxes

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (7)

Power Distribution Center
Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (8)

Integrated Power Module
Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (9)

Fuse box diagrams


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2005, 2006

Passenger Compartment

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (10)

Assignment of the interior fuses (2005, 2006)

Cavity Amp/ColorDescription
130 Amp PinkAudio Amp (B+)
215 Amp BlueSunroof (B+)
310 Amp RedHtd Mirror (EBL)
420 Amp YellowRr Pwr Out (B+)
510 Amp RedRr HVAC (R/O)
610 Amp RedOCM (B+)
720 Amp YellowDoor Locks (B+)
815 Amp BlueSteer Col Lock (B+)
920 Amp YellowPwr Outlet (B+)
1010 Amp RedIgn Run Only Out (R/O)
1210 Amp RedMem. Sw, Courtesy Lamp (B+)
1420 Amp YellowCigar Ltr (R/A)
1510 Amp RedTire Press Mon (R/ O)
1610 Amp RedSCM, Cluster OBD (B+)
1715 Amp BlueFlipper Glass (B+)
1910 Amp RedOCM (R/S)
2010 Amp RedWCM, Cluster (R/S)
2115 Amp BlueAutowipe (Accy Delay)
2215 Amp BlueRear Wiper (B+)
2410 Amp RedPDC, FCM, A580 (R/S)
2510 Amp RedABS, Trans. Case Switch (R/S)
CB120 AmpCycle -Wipers (B+)
CB220 AmpNon - Cycle Seats (B+)
CB320 AmpNon - Cycle Windows (Delay)
K2Power Outlet
K4Rear Window Defogger
K7Run/Accessory Delay
K8Stop Lamp Inhibit
K11Flip-Up Glas
K13Door Lock
K14Driver Door Unlock
K15Passenger Door Unlock
K16Rear Wiper


Power Distribution Center

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (11)

140 Amp GreenHVAC Blower
230 Amp PinkPower Outlets
330 Amp PinkRr Wiper/Ign R/O
430 Amp PinkABS Pump
550 Amp RedCabin Htr 1 (Diesel Only)
650 Amp RedASD
730 Amp PinkRr HVAC (XK)
840 Amp GreenAcc Delay/Seats
1040 Amp GreenStarter/JB Power
1130 Amp PinkCig Ltr/T-Tow
1240 Amp GreenEBL/Htd Mirror
1340 Amp GreenJB Power
1450 Amp RedCabin Htr 2 (Diesel Only)
1550 Amp RedCabin Htr 3 (Diesel Only)
1625 Amp NaturalIPM/Coils
1820 Amp YellowTCM/AC Clutch
1920 Amp YellowIgn Sw
2020 Amp YellowPCM Batt (Gasoline Only)
2130 Amp PinkABS Valves
2320 Amp YellowFDCM
2420 Amp YellowFuel Pump
2520 Amp YellowFDCM/E-Diff.
2615 Amp BlueHyd/PCM (Diesel Only)
2715 Amp BlueBrake/Stop Lamps
2825 Amp NaturalNGC/Injectors
31Mini RelayCabin Htr 1 Rly (Diesel Only)
32Micro RelayTCM Rly (Gasoline Only)
33Micro RelayStarter Rly
34Micro RelayAC Clutch Rly
35Micro RelayFuel Pump Rly
36Mini RelayCabin Htr 3 Rly (Diesel Only)
38Mini RelayCabin Htr 2 Rly (Diesel Only)
39Mini RelayHVAC Blower Rly
40Mini RelayASD Rly


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Integrated Power Module

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (12)

Assignment of the fuses in Integrated Power Module (2005, 2006)

R1Micro RelayWiper On/Off Rly
R2Micro RelayWiper Hi/Lo Rly
R3Micro RelayHorn Rly
R4Micro RelayRear Fog Rly (BUX Only)
R5Micro RelayLt T-Tow Stop/Turn Rly
R6Micro RelayRt T-Tow Stop/Turn Rly
R7Micro RelayPark Lamps Rly
810 Amp RedLt Park Lamps
910 Amp RedT-Tow Park Lamps
1010 Amp RedRt Park Lamps
R11Mini RelayRad Fan Hi Rly
1220 Amp YellowFCM Batt #4
1320 Amp YellowFCM Batt #2
1420 Amp YellowAdjustable Pedal
1520 Amp YellowFt Fog Lamps
1620 Amp YellowHorn
1720 Amp YellowRear Fogs
1820 Amp YellowFCM Batt #1
1920 Amp YellowLt T-Tow Stop/Turn
2020 Amp YellowFCM Batt #3
2120 Amp YellowRt T-Tow Stop/Turn
2230 Amp PinkFDCM Mod
2350 Amp RedRad Fan
R24Mini RelayRad Fan Lo Rly
R25Micro RelayFt Fog Lamps Rly
R26Micro RelayAdjustable Pedal Rly
2715 Amp BlueIOD #1
2820 Amp YellowIOD #2 (Audio)
2910 Amp RedORC (fen R/.S)
3010 Amp RedORC (fen R/O)

2007, 2008


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Passenger Compartment

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (13)

Assignment of the interior fuses (2007, 2008)

130 Amp GreenAudio Amp (B+)
215 Amp BlueSunroof (B+)
310 Amp RedHtd Mirror (EBL)
420 Amp YellowRr Pwr Out (B+)
510 Amp RedRr HVAC (R/O) (XK Only)
6Spare (B+)
720 Amp YellowDoor Locks (B+)
815 Amp BlueSteer Col Lock (B+) (ELV)
920 Amp YellowPwr Outlet (B+)
1010 Amp RedFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM), Heater Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC), Switch Bank, Transfer Case Switch, O/H, Heater Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Relay, Rear Park Assist
11Spare (B+)
1210 Amp RedDoor Mods, Mem. Sw, O/H Lamps, IP Courtesy Lamps, Glove Box Lamp (B+)
1310 Amp RedAutowipe (R/A)
1420 Amp YellowCigar Ltr (R/A)
1510 Amp RedTire Pressure Transducers (R/O)
1610 Amp RedSteering Control Module (SCM), Diag. Connector, Cluster (B+)
1715 Amp BlueFlipper Glass (B+)
19Spare (R/S)
2010 Amp RedSentry Key Remote Entry Module (SKREEM), Cluster (R/S)
21Spare (Acc Delay)
2215 Amp BlueRear Wiper (B+)
2410 Amp RedPower Distribution Center (PDC) Relays, Final Drive Control Module (FDCM), Front Control Module (FCM) (R/S), A580 (R/S)
2510 Amp RedShifter Assy (BTSI), Trans. Case Switch, ESP/ABS, Brake Supp Rly Coil (R/S)
CB120 Amp Circuit BreakerWiper
CB220 Amp Circuit BreakerPower Seat, Heated Seat Module
CB320 Amp Circuit BreakerPower Window, Door Lock, Mirror Switch
K2Power Outlet
K4Rear Window Defogger
K7Run/Accessory Delay
K8Stop Lamp Inhibit
K11Flip-Up Glas
K13Door Lock
K14Driver Door Unlock
K15Passenger Door Unlock
K16Rear Wiper


Power Distribution Center (2007)

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (14)

Assignment of the fuses in Power Distribution Center (2007)

CavityCartridge FuseMini FuseDescription
140 Amp GreenHVAC Blower
230 Amp PinkPower Outlets
330 Amp PinkRr Wiper/Ign R/O
430 Amp PinkABS Pump
550 Amp RedCabin Htr 1 (Diesel Only)
650 Amp RedAuto Shut Down (ASD)
730 Amp PinkRr HVAC (XK Only)
840 Amp GreenAcc Delay/Seats
940 Amp GreenPwr Liftgate (XK Only)
1040 Amp GreenStarter/Junction Block (JB) Power
1130 Amp PinkCig Ltr/T-Tow
1240 Amp GreenRear Window Defog-ger (EBL)/Htd Mirror
1340 Amp GreenJunction Block (JB) Power
1450 Amp RedCabin Htr 2 (Diesel Only)
1550 Amp RedCabin Htr 3 (Diesel Only)
1625 Amp NaturalIntegrated Power Module (IPM)/Coils
1820 Amp YellowE ATX/AC Clutch
1920 Amp YellowIgn Sw
2020 Amp YellowPCM Batt (Gasoline Only)
2130 Amp GreenABS Valves
2220 Amp YellowT-Tow (BUX)
2320 Amp YellowFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM)
2420 Amp YellowFuel Pump
2520 Amp YellowFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM)
2615 Amp BluePowertrain Control Module (PCM) Auto Shut Down (ASD) (Diesel Only)
2715 Amp BlueBrake/Stop Lamps
2825 Amp NaturalNext Generation Controller (NGC)/ Injectors
31Mini RelayCabin Htr 1 Rly (Diesel Only)
32Micro RelayTCM Rly (Gasoline Only)
33Micro RelayStarter Rly
34Micro RelayAC Clutch Rly
35Micro RelayFuel Pump Rly
36Mini RelayCabin Htr 3 Rly (Diesel Only)
38Mini RelayCabin Htr 2 Rly (Diesel Only)
39Mini RelayHVAC Blower Rly
40Mini RelayASD Rly


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Power Distribution Center (2008)

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (15)

Assignment of the fuses in Power Distribution Center (2008)

CavityCartridge FuseMini FuseDescription
150 Amp GreenPTC Heater 1 (Diesel Only)
240 Amp GreenHID Headlamps
350 Amp GreenPTC Heater 2 (Diesel Only)
430 Amp PinkPower Outlets
550 Amp RedPTC Heater 3 (Diesel Only)
630 Amp PinkCig Lighter, Trail Tow Batt
740 Amp GreenPower Liftgate (Commander Only)
840 Amp GreenStarter, JB Power
1140 Amp GreenHVAC Blower
1230 Amp PinkRear Wiper, Ign R/O
1340 Amp GreenRear Window Defroster (EBL)/Heated Mirror
1430 Amp PinkRear HVAC (If Equipped)
1650 Amp RedASD
1730 Amp PinkABS Pump
1840 Amp GreenAccessory Delay, Seats
1940 Amp GreenJB Power
2120 Amp YellowFuel Pump
2220 Amp YellowTCM, A/C Clutch
2325 Amp NaturalPower Inverter
2420 Amp YellowRear Heated Seats
2520 Amp YellowFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM)
2615 Amp BlueBrake Lamps
2720 Amp YellowHD Washer (If Equipped)
2830 Amp GreenABS Valves
2920 Amp YellowPCM Batt (Gasoline Only)
3215 Amp BluePowertrain Control Module (Diesel Only)
3320 Amp YellowFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM) E-Diff
3520 Amp YellowTrail-Tow Mod (BUX Only)
3720 Amp YellowIgnition Switch
3820 Amp YellowHID Left
3920 Amp YellowHID Right
4025 Amp NaturalNext Generation Controller (NGC), Injectors
4325 Amp NaturalCoils, Actuators
R1Not Used
R2Diesel:PTC (№3)
R3Transmission Control
R4Headlamp Washer
R5HID Headlamps
R6Diesel:PTC (№1)
R7Diesel:PTC (№2)
R8Ignition (Run/Start)
R9Air Conditioner Compressor Clutch
R10Fuel Pump
R12Blower Motor
R13Auto Shut Down


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Integrated Power Module (2007, 2008)

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (16)

Assignment of the fuses in Integrated Power Module (2007, 2008)

CavityCartridge FuseMini FuseDescription
810 Amp RedLt Park Lamps
910 Amp RedTrailer-Tow Park Lamps
1010 Amp RedRt Park Lamps
1220 Amp YellowFront Control Module (FCM) Batt #4
1320 Amp YellowFront Control Module (FCM) Batt #2
1420 Amp YellowAdjustable Pedal
1520 Amp YellowFt Fog Lamps
1620 Amp YellowHorn
1720 Amp YellowRear Wiper
1820 Amp YellowFront Control Module (FCM) Batt #1
1920 Amp YellowLt Trailer-Tow Stop/ Turn
2020 Amp YellowFront Control Module (FCM) Batt #3
2120 Amp YellowRt Trailer-Tow Stop/ Turn
2230 Amp PinkFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM) MOD
2350 Amp RedRadiator Fan
2715 Amp BlueIgnition Off Draw (IOD) #1
2820 Amp YellowIgnition Off Draw (IOD) #2
2910 Amp RedOccupant Restraint Controller (ORC) R/S
3010 Amp RedOccupant Restraint Controller (ORC) R/O
R1Wiper (On/Off)
R2Wiper (High/Low)
R4Rear Fog Lamp
R5Trailer Tow (Left Turn)
R6Trailer Tow (Right Turn)
R7Park Lamp
R11Radiator Fan (High Speed)
R24Radiator Fan (Low Speed)
R25Front Fog Lamp
R26Adjustable Pedals

2009, 2010


Passenger Compartment

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (17)

Assignment of the interior fuses (2009, 2010)

130 Amp GreenAudio Amp (B+)
215 Amp BlueSunroof (B+)
310 Amp RedHtd Mirror (EBL)
420 Amp YellowRr Pwr Out (B+)
510 Amp RedRr HVAC (R/O) (Commander Only)
6Spare (B+)
720 Amp YellowDoor Locks (B+)
8Spare (B+)
920 Amp YellowPwr Outlet (B+)
1010 Amp RedFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM), Heater Ventilation/ Air Conditioning (HVAC), Rear Heated Seat Switch, O/H, Heater Ventilation/ Air Conditioning (HVAC) Relay, Rear Park Assist
11Spare (B+)
1210 Amp RedDoor Mods, O/H Lamps, IP Courtesy Lamps, Glove Box Lamp (B+)
1310 Amp RedAutowipe (R/A)
1420 Amp YellowCigar Ltr (R/A)
1510 Amp RedTire Pressure Transponders (R/O)
1610 Amp RedUpper & Lower Switch Bank, Diag. Connector, Cluster (B+)
1715 Amp BlueFlipper Glass (B+)
19Spare (R/S)
2010 Amp RedSteering Column Control Module (SCCM), Cluster (R/S), BUX Trailer Tow
21Spare (Acc Delay)
2215 Amp BlueRear Wiper (B+)
2410 Amp RedPower Distribution Center (PDC) Relays, Powertrain Control Module, A580 (R/S)
2510 Amp RedShifter Assy (BTSI), Trans. Case Switch, ESP/ABS, Trailer Sway Damp Relay
CB120 Amp Circuit BreakerWipers
CB220 Amp Circuit BreakerPower Seat, Heated Seat Module
CB320 Amp Circuit BreakerPower Window, Door Lock, Mirror Switch
K2Power Outlet
K4Rear Window Defogger
K7Run/Accessory Delay
K8Stop Lamp Inhibit
K11Flip-Up Glas
K13Door Lock
K14Driver Door Unlock
K15Passenger Door Unlock
K16Rear Wiper


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Power Distribution Center

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (18)

Assignment of the fuses in Power Distribution Center (2009, 2010)

CavityCartridge FuseMini-FuseDescription
150 Amp RedPTC Heater 1 (Diesel Only)
240 Amp GreenHID Headlamps
350 Amp RedPTC Heater 2 (Diesel Only)
430 Amp PinkPower Outlets
550 Amp RedPTC Heater 3 (Diesel Only)
630 Amp PinkCig Lighter, Trail Tow Batt
740 Amp GreenPower Liftgate (Commander Only)
840 Amp GreenStarter, JB Power
920 Amp BlueFront Power Windows
1140 Amp GreenHVAC Blower
1230 Amp PinkRear Wiper, Ign R/O
1340 Amp GreenRear Window Defroster (EBL)/Heated Mirror
1430 Amp PinkRear HVAC (If Equipped)
1650 Amp RedASD
1730 Amp PinkABS Pump
1840 Amp GreenAccessory Delay, Seats
1940 Amp GreenJB Power
2030 Amp PinkWiper Motor
2120 Amp YellowFuel Pump
2220 Amp YellowTCM, A/C Clutch
2325 Amp NaturalPower Inverter
2420 Amp YellowRear Heated Seats
2520 Amp YellowFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM)
2615 Amp BlueBrake Lamps
2720 Amp YellowHD Washer (If Equipped) (Export Only)
2830 Amp GreenABS Valves
2920 Amp YellowPCM Batt (Gasoline Only)
3215 Amp BluePowertrain Control Module (Diesel Only)
3320 Amp YellowFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM) E-Diff
3520 Amp YellowTrail-Tow Mod (Export Only)
3720 Amp YellowIgnition Switch
3820 Amp YellowHID Left
3920 Amp YellowHID Right
4025 Amp NaturalNext Generation Controller (NGC), Injectors
4120 Amp YellowSubwoofer (SRT Only)
4325 Amp NaturalCoils, Actuators
R2Diesel:PTC (№3)
R3Transmission Control
R4Headlamp Washer
R5HID Headlamps
R6Diesel:PTC (№1)
R7Diesel:PTC (№2)
R8Ignition (Run/Start)
R9Air Conditioner Compressor Clutch
R10Fuel Pump
R12Blower Motor
R13Auto Shut Down


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Integrated Power Module

Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (19)

Assignment of the fuses in Integrated Power Module (2009, 2010)

CavityCartridge FuseMini-FuseDescription
810 Amp RedLt Park Lamps
910 Amp RedTrailer-Tow Park Lamps
1010 Amp RedRt Park Lamps
1220 Amp YellowFront Control Module (FCM) Batt #4
1320 Amp YellowFront Control Module (FCM) Batt #2
1420 Amp YellowAdjustable Pedal
1520 Amp YellowFt Fog Lamps
1620 Amp YellowHorn
1720 Amp YellowRear Fog Lamps (Export Only)
1820 Amp YellowFront Control Module (FCM) Batt #1
1920 Amp YellowLt Trailer-Tow Stop/ Turn
2020 Amp YellowFront Control Module (FCM) Batt #3
2120 Amp YellowRt Trailer-Tow Stop/ Turn
2230 Amp PinkFinal Drive Control Module (FDCM) MOD
2350 Amp RedRadiator Fan
2715 Amp BlueIgnition Off Draw (IOD) #1
2820 Amp YellowIgnition Off Draw (IOD) #2
2910 Amp RedOccupant Restraint Controller (ORC) R/S
3010 Amp RedOccupant Restraint Controller (ORC) R/O
R1Wiper (On/Off)
R2Wiper (High/Low)
R4Rear Fog Lamp
R5Trailer Tow (Left Turn)
R6Trailer Tow (Right Turn)
R7Park Lamp
R11Radiator Fan (High Speed)
R24Radiator Fan (Low Speed)
R25Front Fog Lamp
R26Adjustable Pedals
Learn more:

How to check the fuses?

How to replace a blown fuse?

Why do car fuses blow?

Types of automotive fuses


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Fuse Box Diagram Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK; 2005-2010) (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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